2021中考英语作文真题汇总(含参考范文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语作文my school trip 2021中考英语作文真题汇总(含参考范文)


2023-10-15 03:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会将生活技能(life skills)作为全球青少年儿童发展的重要主题之一。请根据给力英语公众号图中提示写一篇英语短文,描述作为青少年, 你们应提高哪些及如何提高自己的生活技能。除了提示中的内容,请你至少再补充一条。

要求:1. 语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;

3. 80~100词,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Learning life skills is necessary for us, because what we are depends on what we learn. What kind of life skills should we teenagers develop? And how? Here is my opinion.___


All in all, if we try our best to improve these life skills, we will lead a happier, and healthier life.

One possible version

Learning life skills is necessary for us, because what we are depends on what we learn. What kind of life skills should we teenagers learn? And how? Here is my opinion.

First, we should try our best to keep healthy. It’s a good idea to keep a balanced diet and take daily exercise. And be happy every day.

Second, working with others is important. Sometimes, we need to work as a team. When we communicate with others, try to understand them.

Third, solve problems in different ways. We are able to find out the problem, find solutions alone or with others and then solve it.

Besides, learn to manage time. We can make a list of things to do every morning. Get up early and never be late for school.

Finally, learn some basic skills, such as cooking. We can ask family for help or search the Internet. Then practice making some dishes.

All in all, if we try our best to learn these life skills, we will lead a better, happier, and healthier life.



上个月,你们班为Children's Home的孩子们组织了一次爱心义卖活动。请根据下表信息用英语写一篇短文,向某英语网站投稿,谈谈本次活动和你的体会。





参考词汇:义卖活动charity sale

短文首句:Last month,our class had a charity sale.

One possible version

Last month, our class had a charity sale. Two days before the sale, we handed out notices to make our sale known by others. Then we made different things like food and toys. It was so much fun! When everything was ready, we started to sell the things. To our surprise, all the things were sold out in a short time! At last, we gave away the money we made to Children's Home.

I think it was a meaningful experience. Making things helps develop our life skills. Meanwhile, we can learn how to communicate with others well. Last but not least, helping people makes us happy. (98 words)




"最美志愿者"的评选。请你以"The Most Beautiful Volunteer为题,给校英文报写一篇短文介绍李华,内容包括∶

(1)品质∶ 礼貌、善良、有耐心;




(1)词数 90 左右;



The Most Beautiful Volunteer


One possible version

The Most Beautiful Volunteer

Li Hua is a polite boy. He is both kind and patient.

He is a helpful volunteer. At school, he is ready to help teachers and classmates. At weekends, he takes part in lots of activities. He often does some cleaning in the street. Besides, he goes to the library to help carry books. Also, he looks after old people in the nursing home.

We all think Li Hua is such an excellent boy that we should learn from him. We'd like to recommend him for The Most Beautiful Volunteer. ( 90 words)







During the Health Week,we will have ...

Possible versions:

During the Health Week, we will havea School Trip Day on Friday. Here is the plan for the day. We will start our trip to Lakeside Park. In the morning, there is going to be a kite-flying competition. At noon, we will have a picnic near a small lake there. After lunch, we will go boating on the lake. We can feel a sense of peace in mind while we are rowing on the blue water.

By being part of these activities, we will not only develop friendship with our classmates, but also relax ourselves and be free from pressure of study. (98 words)

During the Health Week, we wil havea Sports Day to make our school life more colourful.

On that day, there will be different sports. In the morning, we will play ball games. Everyone can go in for their favorite ones. In the afternoon, there will be a game that you can never miss -- playing tug-of-war. It is really a good chance to make us better understand the meaning of teamwork. After that, there will be a kung fu lesson, which can help us learn to keep fit.

All these sports will do us good. Not only can they make us feel relaxed, but also develop friendship.



Teens Around the World是一个国际青少年网站,近日有人发帖,讨论”发现生活中的小欢喜“。假设你是李华,请结合自己的生活体会,用英语跟帖。




Teens Around the World Subject:Discover the little happiness in daily life Hey, guys! These days many teenagers say they nearly forget how to smile. In fact, little happiness is everywhere in our daily life. Try to think about one thing that makes you feel happy. What happened and what did you do at that moment? Please share your story with us. Emily, England


教育部近日印发通知, 要求控制中小学生的书面作业总量, 合理布置不同类型的作业。为此, 某英文杂志社正在开展以"My Creative English Homework"为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇征文, 讲述自身经历, 提出合理建议。


1. 80-120词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。


1. 做过的最有创意的英语作业(内容、收获……);

2. 更多有创意的英语作业建议(形式、理由……);

3. ……

My Creative English Homework

Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we've learned in class. ____


My Creative English Homework

Doing English homework helps me to practice and use what we've learned in class. Doing creative homework makes us more interested in English.

Once our teacher asked us to write a letter to a foreigner. We were told to introduce the Spring Festival in the letter. It not only helped me improve my written skills but also provided a good chance to spread Chinese traditional culture. In my opinion, it's also a good choice to draw mind maps. It helps us to have a better understanding of the lessons. Besides, we can learn to sing English songs, since most of us love singing. In this way, our English as well as hobbies develops.

I hope we'll have more creative English homework in the future.


今年3月全国政协会议期间,江苏锡山唐江澎校长的一席话发人深思∶教育应该培养终身运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。某英文网站以"How to Be a Better Person"为话题开展征文活动,请从中学生的角度写一篇 80 词左右的短文谈谈你的做法。



2. 不怕挑战(尽力解决学习、生活中的问题……)

3. 对人友善(乐于助人、与人和睦相处……)





3. 不可逐词翻译,可适当发挥。

4. 文章中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。


responsibility 职责

How to Be a Better Person

As a middle school student, I quite agree with Mr. Tang's opinions. To be a better person, I think I should do the following things.


How to Be a Better Person

As a middle school student, I quite agree with Mr. Tang's opinions. To be a better person, I think I should do the following things. First of all, we should have a healthy life. We should eat well, take more exercise and have enough sleep. Second, we should not be afraid of challenge. We must try our best to solve the problems in our study and life. Third, we should be kind and be ready to help others. We should get on well with others. Finally, we should keep the responsibilities in mind. We should take care of parents and help the weak.


假如你是李华,已升入高中,现应邀回校向同学们介绍英语学习方法。请根据下列要点提示,以“To Be a Successful English Learner”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。






5. 个人观点






develop, improve, ability, culture , challenge

To Be a Successful English Learner


To Be a Successful English Learner

Dear schoolmates,

I'm Li Hua. I'm honored to be invited here to share my ideas about how to learn English well.

To be a successful English learner, we should have a good study habit and be good at thinking and solving problems. We can look up new words with the help of the dictionary. We can keep diaries every day to improve our English. We also should make full use of learning resources, such as reading newspaper, listening to English songs and watching English movies. We should improve our ability to read and learn English and foreign cultures. When you study English, it’s sure to meet all kinds of different problems. We shouldn’t feel afraid of them. We should try our best to solve these difficulties and challenge them. In my opinion, we should read and write in English every day. To practice, we can also speak to our friends and classmates in English.

Thanks for your listening.












恐龙 dinosaur 化石fossil 彩灯colorful lantern


Dear Peter,

How's everything going? I'm writing to tell you something about the Chinese cultural activity which our school will organize for your exchange students.

We are going to meet at the school gate. Then we’ll go to visit Museum of Dinosaur by coach. There you’ll see many different kinds of dinosaur fossil. After visiting the museum, we’re going to watch the colorful lantern production. You will learn how to make the colourful lanterns. If you want to have a try, you can make them by yourselves. In the afternoon, we will go to enjoy erhu playing. It’s very interesting. At five o’clock, we will come back to our school.

Hope you enjoy your trip.


Li Hua


假定你是李雷。某英语杂志正在举办征文活动, 请根据广告中的信息写一篇短文, 用于投稿。文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;词数∶ 80—100。


People are paying more and more attention to staying healthy. Ways such as doing exercise, eating healthy food etc. help a lot. But I think doing exercise is more important. For me, I used to sit at the desk for too long and seldom go outside doing some sports. As a result, I put on 5 kilos just in a year and I felt tired easily. But when I tried to take up running after school, I began to feel energetic and healthier. Since then, I have kept the habit of taking exercise. And I find it does good to both the mind and the body.


People may have different ways to keep healthy, such as doing exercise, eating healthy food, etc. I think eating healthily is more important. At school, we have sports time every day, so I think we've got enough exercise. However, we usually have lunch hurriedly at school. So eating healthily at home is important for us. Luckily, we can enjoy delicious and healthy food cooked by our parents which also makes us feel good. As for me, I often make some vegetable salad for breakfast or even cook something I like at weekends. I think I will eat healthily to stay strong and happy.




1. 文中必须包含上表中的两个要点,可适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名等相关信息;

3. 词数:80-100;开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

To:[email protected]

Subject:Weekend Plan


I'm Li Hua. I hear you'd like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back.


Li Hua


Hi, Steve!

I'm Li Hua. I hear you'd like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back. So why not come to my home for the weekend? I have a good plan!

As both of us like sports, let's play basketball in the gym around my home in the morning. After that, we can practice writing with a Chinese brush together. It's not easy but makes us peaceful. You can also sense the beauty of the Chinese characters. To experience more, we are going to make jiaozi, one of the most traditional foods in China. It must be meaningful to have jiaozi made by yourself. I am sure you will have great fun.

Wait for your reply!


Li Hua




2、 2021年广州中考工作日程表出炉!

3、 2021年广州中考考前提醒出炉 !













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